Kilometers of Love2022
"Kilometers of Love" tells the heartfelt story of a gay couple who find each other through online dating and become life partners. Inspired by a true story and created by Achtung for Amsterdam Pride, this commercial captures the essence of their relationship—from the initial online connection to the challenges of long-distance love and ultimately, their marriage.

This piece is a testament to modern love, embracing inclusivity and the timeless nature of genuine connection, regardless of sexuality or age. Through this work, I aim to celebrate the universality of love and honor the beautiful narratives that arise from it.

Directed, illustrated and animated: Cheng-Hsu Chung
Additional animation: Eunju Ara Choi
Sound Design: Antfood
Agency: Achtung
CD: Sam Souen
ECD: Kika Douglas
Producer: Marc Elbers
Copy Writer and Story Development: Rita Lopes van den Broek
Art Director and Story Development: Bex McNally
