Adult Swim ID2020
Step into a unique and captivating world with Adult Swim's latest ID, a heartfelt and humorous story of a loving couple facing off against a homophobic bird. Directed and animated by Cheng-Hsu Chung, this piece blends humor and social commentary, offering a narrative that resonates with both queer and heterosexual audiences.
Incorporating queerness is central to my artistic practice, and through this story, I aim to create content that not only speaks to the queer community but also engages and entertains a broader audience. The quirky yet poignant tale highlights themes of love, acceptance, and resilience, all while delivering the signature irreverent style Adult Swim is known for.
Directed by Cheng-Hsu Chung
Animated by Cheng-Hsu Chung
Produced by Anca Vlasan
Sound design by Adult Swim
Sound Mixing by Adult Swim